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Composting and buying local in the winter, is that even possible?

March can be a ruthless month in Canada. Days are short, ice is everywhere, and sometimes even when there are hints of spring, there seems to be a sudden flash blizzard with no warning. Dreaming about the sun and fresh air is a daily activity and warm weather just doesn’t seem close enough. Some say the best way to fight the winter blues is to get cozy inside with some comfort food.
While eating and buying good food may feel like a positive thing in the winter months, there can also be negative environmental impacts. It’s easy to waste food and forget to be mindful in the winter. This guide with tips and tricks will show you that it really isn’t that hard. With just a couple steps, you can reduce your impact that these activities have on climate change and the environment in general!

  1. Try to buy food items that are local and in season right now

Buying food in season produces many benefits to a consumer in the winter. For one, buying seasonal produce can be a low impact activity, which in this case, means there is a lower amount of greenhouse gas emissions produced because the food has not had to travel very far. Also, it is much cheaper to buy this seasonal produce!
This can be done easily in the winter (especially in Canada) with the access of a few guides. Here is a good one from Foodland Ontario to get started!

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