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How to dye Easter eggs the eco friendly way?

What is it with those eggs during Easter season? Why do we celebrate springtime with eggs, why do we color and decorate them? And what do rabbits have to do with it?
Well, as the title of this article already states it, eggs and rabbits are symbols of fertility and rebirth which corresponds to the season of spring time, where, after a long winter, everything comes alive and starts to grow again. According to the world mythology, the Germanic fertility goddess Eostra, might be the namegiver for this time of the year and she was said to have owned an egg-laying rabbit (I know, pretty weird. Try not to think too much about it... It only gives you headaches.) (The Oxford Companion to World Mythology, 2005).
A slightly different explanation for the eggs during Easter season, is offered by religion. In Christianity, „Easter eggs are used as a (...) symbol to represent the empty tomb. The outside of the egg looks dead but inside there is new life, which is going to break out [sic! Ester = annual commemoration of the Resurrection of Jesus Christ]. The Easter egg is a reminder that Jesus will rise from his tomb and bring new life. Orthodox Christians dye boiled eggs red to represent the blood of Christ shed for the sins of the world” (Jordan, 2000).

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