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Back to School - Back to Reducing Emissions

September is here, which means it is time for students of all ages to return to school. I am sure everyone is familiar with those classic “Back to School” advertisements from stores like Walmart or Staples, promoting great deals on supplies or the cool new gadget to help with your studies. I know when I was younger, my favourite part of the upcoming school year was shopping for new outfits or finding a binder or notebook with neat designs to impress my classmates with on the first day. At this point, I was not cognizant of the more eco-friendly alternatives available for school supplies or clothing. Having items such as recyclable crayons, recycled notebooks and paper, reused backpacks or clothing from older siblings or from a thrift store and even an energy efficient laptop completely slipped my mind!
EcoFriendly Supplies and Used Clothing

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