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Carpooling: Using the HOV lane will be your best career decision yet

When you drive alone, it's finally “you time”. It's nice being alone with your thoughts. Playing whatever music you want. Some space and time for you. Just a way to make a gap between the different roles in life. The problem with driving solo is that it's you who has to deal with the stress of it all. Bad driving conditions, bad traffic and bad drivers. What if there was a easier way? Carpooling and using the High Occupancy Vehicle (HOV) lane can change your commute into real “you time”.

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Save Fuel: 7 Tips to Save Money and Save the Earth

Your car takes from your wallet, how to keep more of that money for yourself? Save fuel with these 7 simple car maintenance tips and you'll immediately see the benefits on your gas bill all while helping to protect the environment.
There are cheaper and more eco friendly ways to get around like a bike, a skateboard, or a carbon-neutral pony. But for now, you’re on four wheels. Keep an eye on these key areas of your vehicle and you'll be able to improve fuel efficiency starting today.
1. Obey the Engine Light to Save Fuel

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Téo Taxi: An Electric Revolution for Montreal's Taxis

If you reside in the city of Montreal, you may have noticed those intriguing green and white cars from Téo taxi driving up and down the metropolitan area. It is with excitement that business man Alexandre Taillefer’s new Téo Taxi project has come to life. Téo stands for Transport Écologique Optimisé, or Optimized Green Transportation, fitting the main purpose of the business venture. The idea is originally created in order to present an ecological alternative to taxis, and provide a better working climate in the industry. Since then, Téo Taxi has become an innovative concept that contributes to Montreal’s environment, in future reduction of greenhouse gas (GHG). In fact, the company provides taxi services aboard 100% electric cars. Those currently include three models, such as:

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Benefits of public transportation: Calling all Montréal commuters

Urban transit first came to Montréal in 1861, when the Montréal City Passenger Railway Company (MCPRC) was created and the first line of horse-drawn tramways began to operate on today’s Notre-Dame Street. At five-cents a ride, taking advantage of the 10 km network was something that only the elite could afford. The population of the Greater Montréal area is now (as of 2011) 3.8 million, more than half of which can be found on the Island of Montréal. Not surprisingly, the only horse-drawn carriages that Montréalers see on a regular basis are those favoured by tourists wishing to fully experience Old Montréal.

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How Green is the Future of Self-driving Cars?

Experts predict self-driving cars will make up 75% of vehicles on the road by 2040. Research has been around for more than 40 years, but the concept is now within reach as executives at top companies such as Google, Tesla Motors, and Mercedes-Benz, amongst many others, plan to launch self-driving cars by 2020.
Currently transportation accounts for about 26% of total US greenhouse gas emissions, the second largest contributor after Electricity. With a wave of driverless vehicles imminent, the big questions is: Will these cars reduce or increase emissions?
“If you have a fully autonomous car that talks to other cars and traffic signals, then it can drive more smoothly, much better than a human can, and there will be fuel economy benefits coming out of that.”

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An Electric Revolution in the Taxi Industry of Montreal

If you reside in the city of Montreal, you may have noticed those intriguing green and white cars driving up and down the metropolitan area. It is with excitement that business man Alexandre Taillefer’s new Téo Taxi* project has come to life. Téo stands for Transport Écologique Optimisé, or Optimized Green Transportation, fitting the main purpose of the business venture. The idea is originally created in order to present an ecological alternative to taxis, and provide a better working climate in the industry. Since then, Téo Taxi has become an innovative concept that contributes to Montreal’s environment, in future reduction of greenhouse gas (GHG). In fact, the company provides taxi services aboard 100% electric cars. Those currently include three models, such as:

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The Next Big Step, How do we Green the Green Economy?

Since the Paris Climate Summit in November of 2015 there has been quite a bit of conversation as to what the next big step is. We want to do something about climate change and 175 countries have signed the Paris Agreement, but now that the promises have been made, we have to begin to fulfill them. The next steps include addressing our economy as a part of our efforts to tackle climate change- but with such a big task ahead of us, where do we go from here and what role do we have to play?

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Why city-dwellers do have time to exercise

Vigorously hurried days are commonplace in the city, and getting in a workout is often the last thing on our extensive to-do lists. But what if exercise wasn’t a line-item to check-off? What if exercise was the means of checking everything else off? Now, before you run away, (after all, that would also be exercise), let me assure you I don’t mean mini-workouts. This is not a guide for “15 Minutes to a Toned Abs.” Phew! Walk away from the spandex, and put on your favorite lived-in shoes.

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Myth Busting – Winter Vehicle Idling

Cold temperatures have been experienced across the country and it is safe to say that winter is in full swing. For those of you who drive in the winter, now is the dreaded time of year where you have to battle the cold to scrape off your windshield or possibly shovel your vehicle out of a snowdrift. Another thought that may cross your mind is making sure you have a remote car start, or making a plan to run out in the cold 20 minutes before you leave to let your car warm up. Although vehicle idling is a common practice in the winter months, it is actually unnecessary and results in increased fuel consumption and GHG emissions. It is time to bust the myth of winter vehicle idling.

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