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What is permaculture? The 3 most important principles

You may have heard the word but what is permaculture exactly? Permaculture is not an easy thing to explain to those who have never heard of it. I recently took a permaculture course and I still have trouble explaining it. Here was my course teacher’s definition and probably my favourite:
Permaculture is the design and implementation of ecological and regenerative human habitat.
In a sense, it is the merging of two words referring to “permanent agriculture.” But in reality, it is much more than just this. Regardless of its ambiguity, permaculture is what our future needs and, sooner or later, everyone will know what it is. What is permaculture? Its an entirely different way of thinking about how we live and feed ourselves.
What is permaculture: The main goals
The main goals of permaculture are to work with nature, not against it, to create an ecological system that is not only economically viable but regenerates the environment and fosters community. Imagine people living in harmony, and in such a way that not only sustains but actually improves the environment!
My 2-week permaculture design course took place in the beautiful West Kootenay region of British Columbia where the permaculture movement is strong. It was facilitated by Gregoire Lamoureux on his farm, which he calls Spiral Farm.

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