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Lazy Composting: Max 10 mins per day, no stink no critters

What happens if you’re a lazy composter? Don’t worry, no one is accusing anyone of anything. We’re just talking for the sake of talking. But let’s say you don’t want to check your composting thermometer hourly, categorize your food waste for storage in your freezer and log everything in your compost diary? Can you still recycle your waste into fertile soil and cut your garbage by almost half in the process?

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Meatless Monday: Your guide to healthy + easy vegetarian meals

You've thought of doing Meatless Monday. Who doesn't want to feel healthier and loose a bit of weight? But Mondays are complicated. Are there any easy vegetarian meals that you can put together even when you get home late? Plus it's hard enough finding the time to make a decent dinner but now it's veggies only? Are these healthy vegetarian meals going to be boring or worse, taste like green mush?

Monday is not exactly the most convenient day to start learning a whole bunch of new recipes, so if it's too complicated forget about it.

And the food has to taste great. Eating healthy is nice but taste comes first. So it can’t be just a bowl of lettuce and tomatoes.

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Fast Fashion: Environmental and social impact

For years, my favorite store has been Forever 21. Low prices and cute trendy clothing appealed to me. As a young adult, I could only afford clothes at bargain prices and didn’t give much thought into making an investment in terms of what I put on my body. I soon fell in love with H&M. A store who’s clothing was also cheap and trendy. They carried more professional clothing which worked as I was in college and needing clothes for interviews. Fast forward and I now have a closet of clothes made entirely out of synthetic fibers.

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49 vegetarian proteins that are as good as meat

How do you get enough protein if you don’t eat meat? It sounds hard at first but there are plenty of great vegetarian proteins that taste amazing and don't require you to eat a bucket full to get the nutrition you need to stay strong.

There are many alternatives to meat that have similar amounts of protein and we've put together a list of the 49 best vegetarian proteins that are as good as meat.

All the vegetarian options we have listed have at least 10g of protein per 100g when raw, putting them right up there with a meat lover’s favorites.i

13 of them have as much as or more protein than chicken.

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Global warming solutions: Greener lawns with these 2 simple tips

There are many solutions to global warming and reducing one's carbon footprint but what can homeowners do for their lawns? How can you have a "greener" lawn? There are really two main steps you can take to decrease the carbon emissions of your lawn: reduce its size and transition from a gas-powered mower to an electric or reel mower.
Instead of continuing in the same direction, here are a few things that can be done to minimize the impact.
Solutions to global warming: Reduce the size of your lawn

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Surprisingly Big Feet: Why your pet’s carbon footprint matters and what you can do to reduce it

For so many people our pets are a part of the family. We care for them, worry about them, watch them grow and enjoy their personalities, and sadly, mourn them when we have to say goodbye. They are very much a part of our lives but it’s easy to over look the impact the often the hairiest member of the family can have, not just in terms of our carbon footprint, but also in terms of our perspective. Despite all we do for them, oddly sometimes we seem to forget our pets when it comes to making sustainable choices. But once we’ve learned what their impact is, what are we supposed to do about it? Should you be switching Mittens to vegan cat food?

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Fast Fashion and its environmental and social impact

For years, my favorite store has been Forever 21. Low prices and cute trendy clothing appealed to me. As a young adult, I could only afford clothes at bargain prices and didn’t give much thought into making an investment in terms of what I put on my body. I soon fell in love with H&M. A store who’s clothing was also cheap and trendy. They carried more professional clothing which worked as I was in college and needing clothes for interviews. Fast forward and I now have a closet of clothes made entirely out of synthetic fibers.

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Impact Investing and Saving: Planting Your Dollar

Let’s start this article off with an overview of a trend that has recently been on my mind: impact investing.
First, what is it?
The traditional role of investment hasn’t changed here. Investments are intended to preserve and grow capital. However, other goals are introduced when investing in companies with environmentally and socially progressive policies and products. Investors shift their assessments from only monetary performance to a broader perspective termed the Triple Bottom Line,.

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Pacific garbage patch: 6 effortless ways you can make a difference

The Great Pacific garbage patch is caused by marine debris – the human-made waste that ends up in the ocean. The animals and plants living in the ocean are increasingly more threatened by our waste. Most of this waste (around 60 percent) is estimated to be plastic, but also includes Styrofoam, synthetics, metal, foam and glass. These are not biodegradable materials, and as such remain and cause problems both for the species living in the ocean and the humans who live alongside them. The result is a serious amount of pollution which is very difficult to clean. However, thankfully, there are easy ways to help reduce your own impact and make a difference.
Pacific garbage patch: What can I do?

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